RKS College Of Arts and Science

Students Council

Academic Counsel of the College is responsible for the effective implementation and monitoring of academic affairs such as teaching, training, career counseling, add-on courses and extracurricular activities. This Counsel ensures the proper adherence of affiliated university’s guidelines and implementation of enhanced academic programs on the College’s own capacity. The Counsel is authorized to sign MOUs with other institutions or companies of eminence. This Counsel is headed by the Principal of the College, with the Vice-Principal and Heads of Departments as its members. The Counsel makes effective steps for the smooth functioning of the College in academic matters.

1DR.G.MOHANASUNDERM.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,PRINCIPALdrmohanrks@gmail.com9442658276
2DR.P.JOHNVICTORM.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA., (MBA.,)VICE PRINCIPALavoorjohn@gmail.com9842586158
3MRS.R.PRAVEENAM.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., M.Sc., (Yoga)HOD - TAMILpraveenaradha83@gmail.com9500369031
4MRS.D.SAKTHI BRINDHAM.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D).,HOD - ENGLISHbrindasakthima@gmail.com 7639971010
5DR.E.NAARGEES BEGUMM.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.,HOD - MATHSmathsnb@gmail.com 7094220747
6MR.G.ANGURAJM.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., HOD - PHYSICSanguraj46@gmail.com8838449348
7DR.J.AHAMED SULTHANM.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,HOD - CHEMISTRYdrahamedsulthan@gmail.com9629477599
8MRS. R. MAHALAKSHMIM.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., HOD – CS & ITmahakavinya2013@gmail.com8098654141
9MR.D.ASHOKM.Sc., M.Phil., SET.,HOD - BCAd.ashokmphil@gmail.com9843325606
10DR.T.ARULM.Com., M.Phil., MBA., B.Ed.,Ph.D.,HOD - COMMERCEarulllz.tp@gmail.com9790153901
11DR.A.SANKARANMBA., M.Phil., Ph.D.,HOD - BBArajasankar.mba@gmail.com9894430537
12MRS.V.REVATHIM.Com., M.LISCHOD - LIBRARYv.remo1980@gmail.com9443620276
13MR.R.VIGNESHKUMARB.Com., B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed.,HOD - PDvigneshvickysports1@gmail.com9360205244