RKS College Of Arts and Science

Library Committee

The Library Committee of the College consists of the Principal, Vice-Principal, the Librarian and Heads of departments. This Committee is convened at the beginning of each academic year in order to finalize the purchase of books, journals and electronic materials required for the upcoming semesters. This Committee ensures the availability of necessary reference books, textbooks, research journals, electronic materials and other resources for effective learning. Heads of each Department make extensive consultations with their faculty members and student representatives before this annual book purchase exercise so that the reading and knowledge needs of each one in the College is taken care of. The Committee also meets periodically to monitor the quality of library services and to suggest improvements.

S.NoPositionNameDesignationPhone No
2Vice PresidentDR.P.John VictorVice Principal9842586158
3SecretaryMrs. V. RevathiLibrarian 9443620276
4MemberMr. N. Rajini KanthAsst. Librarian 9443620276
5MemberMrs.R. PraveenaTamil (HOD)9500369031
6MemberMrs. D. SakthiBrindhaEnglish (HOD)7639971010
7MemberDr.E. Nargees BegumMaths (HOD)7094220747
8MemberMr. G. AnurajPhysics (HOD)8838449348
9MemberDr. J. Ahamed SulthanChemistry(HOD)9629477599
11MemberMr.D. AshokBCA (HOD)9843325606
12MemberDr. T. ArulCommerce (HOD)9790153901
13MemberMr.M. SakthivelComp.Sci (HOD)9361622183