RKS College Of Arts and Science

Criteria 7

Metric No.Metric DetailsDocument Link
7.1.1(a)Annual Gender Sensitization action plan7.1.1
7.1.1(b)Specific facilities provided for women in terms of safety and security,counseling,commons rooms7.1.1(b)
7.1.3(a)MoUs with Government and Other approved agencies7.1.3(a)
7.1.3(b)Geo tagged Photographs of the facilities(Degradable and non-degradable waste)7.1.3(b)
7.1.8(a)Administrative and Academic Activities of the Institution7.1.8(a)
7.1.8(b)Geo tagged Photographs of the facilities(cultural,regional,linguistic,communal socioeconomic and other diversities)7.1.8(b)
7.1.9(a)Details of Activities that inculcate values;necessary to render students in to responsible citizens7.1.9(a)
7.1.9(b)Additional Information(Photos)7.1.9(b)
7.1.11(a)Annual Report of the celebrations and commemorative events 7.1.11(a)
7.1.11(b)Geo Tagged Photographs of some of the Events7.1.11(b)